
Veer - All Weather Cover for Cruiser


Don’t let the weather rain on your adventure.  The All-Terrain Weather Cover will allow you to keep your passengers warm and dry in rain, snow and wind.

We know that even in the rain the adventure continues. We’ve been asked for a weather cover since the very beginning, and to be honest, we’ve been trying to get it right for awhile. We wanted to make sure the kids were entirely protected from water and snow, even when splashing upward from the road.  We wanted it be usable with existing gear, like with one or two canopies in place.  We wanted it to be lightweight (who wants a bulky rain cover to deal with during a rain storm?), and easy to fold up and store, since weather changes often. We wanted it to provide for maximum views for the kids, so no one felt like they were trapped in a cave. And we didn’t want the clear material to have an off odor or haze over time, like many clear materials do.  All of these objectives conspired to make the design challenge more difficult than one would expect. At long last, meet the Veer Weather Cover!

Key Features: 

Customizable coverage for 1 or 2 passengers
Coverage for Rear Storage Basket
Clear premium plastic panels to maximize view
Airflow vents
Storage pouch that attaches to Cruiser so cover is always ready